Attack of the Archons (Upcoming)

Attack of the Archons is an original space shooter inspired by the “Shoot ‘Em Up” arcade games of the 80’s and 90’s.


This game features an epic storyline, amazing 3D graphics, great sound effects and original music. If you are nostalgic of the 80’s and 90’s “Shoot ‘Em Up” or if you are new to the genre, you won’t be disappointed.

As the commander of the newly designed Antares modular spacecraft, you must fly your ship through the asteroids belt to eliminate the threat to Earth by destroying the Archons’ bases.


The Archons are a reptilian race of aliens that have been controlling and using the human race for millenniums.

More recently, humans have discovered their plot and have started the hunt to eliminate them from Earth. Due to their limited presence in our solar system and thanks to the recent spacecraft and space travel development, we have been able to push them back and reclaimed Earth.

Now, they have consolidated their position and are hiding in the asteroids belt preparing their attack to regain control of Earth.

Being an experienced commander during the war to free Earth, you volunteered to be the first commander to fly the newly designed Antares modular spacecraft and lead the attack to free our solar system from the threat.

The Antares

The Antares is a state of the art modular spacecraft. Its modular design allows for quick replacement of broken or damaged modules as well as the rapid addition of newly developed modules. The Antares is a significant evolution from its predecessor thanks to the study and reverse engineer of alien technology recovered during the war.